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AVENO的主要业务之一是纺织品测试仪器的生产,主要包括织物和纺织品测试仪、色牢度测试仪、纱线和纤维测试仪、磨损和起球测试仪、燃烧性能测试仪、断裂测试仪等纺织品测试仪器。AVENO拥有独立的研发团队,不断升级和更新机器。具有标准机器的生产能力,并有能力为特定机器生产定制机器。我们的几台畅销的仪器,如马丁代尔试验机,ICI起球打钩试验机,拉链疲劳试验机,爆裂强度试验机,电子撕裂试验机,AG15随机翻滚起球试验机,AG18A数字式透气性试验机,深受客户的好评。前来参观的客户也表示满意。所有热销产品都有现货,3天左右可以发货。所有货物出厂调试合格后发货。客户到现场参观、检查我们的机器,也得到了客户的高度认可。AVENO纺织品检测仪器包括:面料和纺织品测试员 Color Fastness Tester 3. Yarn & Fiber Tester 4. Abrasion and Pilling Tester 5. Flammerbility Tester, Snagging Tester 6. Snagging Tester Contact Us Now! Sales Dept Tel: +86 15280858852 Email: sales@avenotester.com Skype: sales@avenotester.com Web: www.40crgbanjc.com



单柱拉伸强度测试仪主要用于拉伸、撕裂、脱皮、恒伸长、恒负载等力学性能的分析和测试,如弹性恢复、缝线滑移、模量、单纱强度等。1)万能强度试验机采用触摸屏控制,中英文菜单,操作方便。2)内置热敏打印机,方便现场快速打印检测结果。3)专业的计算机共享软件可与计算机实现双向操作,可进行报表统计、图形可视化分析等;本软件为开放式软件,可根据自身需要编辑所需的测试程序;它还可以支持远程仪器升级和维护。4)立柱采用铝合金型材,表面经高温固化喷涂处理,耐刮擦,不易褪色。单柱抗拉强度测试仪的维护1)每次实验结束,都要清理干净。保持设备清洁。2)夹具使用后,应用防锈油进行保存。 3) The replacement of sensor or plug-in connection line must be carried out after the power supply is turned off. If the sensor access terminal is suspended, it is easy to damage the amplifier and ad conversion circuit due to static electricity. 4) The Tensile Test Equipment needs to calibrate the force sensor regularly to ensure the accuracy of the measurement value of the instrument. 5) Lubricate the moving parts on a regular basis. 6) In case of failure of the instrument, the professional staff shall be requested to repair. The spare parts must be replaced by the original model. 7) Please operate the instrument in accordance with the precautions and requirements of this instruction. AVENO Machine Recommend: Universal Tensile Strength Tester (Single Column) AG02 Contact Us Now! Sales Dept Tel: +86 15280858852 Email: sales@avenotester.com Skype: sales@avenotester.com Web: www.40crgbanjc.com



朋友们,春节快乐。AVENO祝你春节快乐。销售部电话:+86 15280858852电子邮件:sales@avenotester.com Skype: sales@avenotester.com网址:www.40crgbanjc.com



时间总是在我们意想不到的时候流逝,新的一年已经向我们走来。新的一年,新的愿望,新的希望,新的生活,愿你在新的一年里,所有的愿望都能实现,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的期待都能实现,所有的牺牲都能兑现。AVENO是一家生产和销售实验室测试仪器的公司。感谢您过去一年来的支持。在过去的一年里,我们合作得非常愉快。谢谢你的关心。2023年,我们将为您提供更好的服务,开启新的一年的合作。祝您及全家新年快乐。如有任何疑问,请联系我们:AVENO科技有限公司。bob手机版官网电子邮件:sales@avenotester.com AVENO仪器位于中国泉州,1998年成立于香港,拥有超过24年的实验室物理检测仪器的研发和生产经验,产品获得SGS、UL、BV、天祥等全球第三方检测机构的肯定。 Our main products including: 1.Textile Testing Equipment(including Fabric tester. Yarn tester Fiber tester.etc.) 2.Footwear Testing Equipment(including Shoe tester.Leather tester.Rubber tester.etc.) 3.Children Products Testing Equiment(including Toy tester.electronic toy tester.etc.)



随着时代的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,对服装的要求也不断提高。它不仅局限于温暖、耐用,而且对舒适性、美观性和功能性提出了新的要求。这种织物在穿着过程中容易起毛起球。这种现象不仅会恶化织物的外观和手感,而且会磨损织物,降低织物的性能。影响织物起球的因素主要有纤维性能、纱线、织物结构、染整工艺等方面的影响。纤维特性纤维强度纤维强度高,伸长率大,抗反复弯曲能力强,耐磨性强,摩擦时不易断裂或脱落,但会进一步与周围的毛团、毛球纠缠形成较大的毛球。但纤维强度较低,形成的毛球经摩擦后容易从织物表面脱落。因此,纤维强度高,容易起球。纤维长度短纤维比长纤维容易起球,长纤维比短纤维不易起球。长纤维在纱线中的摩擦阻力大于短纤维,不易从纱线中抽出。 In the same number of fiber cross-sections, the end of the long fiber exposed to the surface of the yarn is less than that of the short fiber, and the chance of being rubbed by external force is small. Polyester filaments have high strength and are not easy to wear and break when subjected to mechanical external force, and polyester filament fabrics are not easy to pilling. Fiber fineness For the same raw materials, thin fibers are easier to pill than thick fibers. The thicker the fibers, the greater the bending stiffness. Friction between fibers The friction between the fibers is large, the fibers are not easy to slide, and it is not easy to pilling. Fiber blends are prone to pilling Especially the blended fabrics of chemical fibers and wool, cotton, and regenerated cellulose fibers are prone to pilling, because the chemical fiber fibers are relatively strong ball fibers and are not easy to fall off. Fiber cross-sectional shape The fiber with special-shaped cross-section has high bending rigidity, is not easy to bend and entangle, and has a low probability of relative contact and friction, is not easy to pull out and entangle, and is not easy to produce pilling. Fiber crimp The more crimped the fiber is, the less likely the fiber is to stretch when twisting, and the fiber is easy to loosen and slip during the friction process, forming plush on the surface of the yarn. Therefore, the better the curl of the fiber, the easier it is to pilling. 2. Yarn The main factors that affect the pilling of fabrics are yarn hairiness and wear resistance, which involve ...



在日常穿衣的过程中,最麻烦的事情就是早上急着要出门的时候收拾衣服。我经常有这种烦恼。我不知道你会不会。熨烫太迟了是很费时的。服装面料的褶皱直接影响服装的美观和穿着效果。那么,衣服为什么会起皱,日常生活中又该如何应对防皱呢?那么到底是什么导致织物起皱呢?起皱:织物在穿着、洗涤护理过程中,由于摩擦、挤压、扭转、扭曲等外力作用而产生的折痕或褶皱现象称为起皱。1.微观视角构成织物的纤维在外力作用下发生变形。 After the external force is removed, the deformation cannot disappear, cannot be restored to its original state, or can only be partially restored. 2. Macro perspective Wrinkle formation can be divided into two stages: crease generation and crease recovery after external force removal. 1) Crease generation: Under the action of external force, the fabric is bent and deformed. Since the external force is far greater than the resistance of the fabric due to bending, the fabric is forced to bend and deform, that is, beyond the bending elastic deformation range of the fabric, yielding deformation. 2) Crease recovery After the external force is removed, the crease bending of the fabric begins to recover under the elastic recovery force generated by the internal stress, that is, the angle of crease recovery starts to increase. With the extension of time, the crease recovery angle increases, and its change is similar to the material creep law. In this process, in addition to the elastic recovery force of the fabric, it is also affected by the friction resistance, which is generated by the relative slippage between the yarns and between the fibers of the yarn, and its direction is opposite to the elastic recovery force. When the elastic recovery force and friction resistance of the fabric are balanced, the fabric reaches the maximum recovery effect. At this time, the fabric folding angle is the crease recovery angle of the fabric. Crease resistance of fabrics: The ability of fabric to resist wrinkling and deformation is called wrinkle resistance, that is, the fabric can be folded and pressurized under specified conditions. After the load is removed, the crease of the fabric can return to the original state to a certain extent, which is also called the crease recovery of the fabric. It can be seen from the causes of fabric wrinkling that to overcome the shortcomings of fabric wrinkling, it is necessary to reduce the opportunity for fiber to generate relative displacement between macromolecules under external force, or prevent the formation of hydrogen bonds at new positions when macromolecules have relative displacement, so that macromolecules can quickly return to their original positions after the removal of external fo...

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